The story of chocolate, as far back as we know it, begins with the discovery of America. Until 1492, the Old World knew nothing at all about the delicious and stimulating flavor that was to become the favorite of millions.

The Court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella got its first look at the principal ingredient of chocolate when Columbus returned in triumph from America and laid before the Spanish throne a treasure trove of many strange and wonderful things. Click here


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Cuban Food A Mixture Of Cults - Cuban cuisine has been influenced by Spanish, French, African, Arabic, Chinese, and Portuguese cultures.

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Sugar Bad Or Good Carbohydrate - Do we need sugar at all? No, not pure sugar - known as refined sugar.

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Is Comfort Food Another French Parodox - You have the sniffles and are suffering from a nasty cold; you had a really tough day at the office and are totally stressed; you have just experienced a romantic breakup and are suffering the pain of a broken heart.

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In the Mood With Food - Love foods, also known as aphrodisiacs, have been around for centuries.

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